Beginner Girls 10+ years & Teen Gymnastics

Our Beginner Girls 10+ and Teen Gymnastics are fun classes aimed at older girls who are just starting, are excited to give gymnastics a go and learn new skills. There is no experience necessary.  

Beginner classes are for children who would like to develop their gymnastic skills while working on strength and flexibility. Classes are fun, challenging and include instruction on all gymnastics apparatus; Vault, Bar, Beam, Floor and Trampoline whilst learning skills and drills to help perfect their technique and extend their skills.

  • Beginner Girls classes are 60 minute classes and are $164.50 per term.
    Teen Gymnastics 90 minute recreation classes are $197.00 per term
  • A Gymnastics NZ affiliation fee of $11.00 per term (Included in term fee).  
  • Class assessments during Terms 2 and 4 $8.00.

Please note it is normal for a beginner gymnast to take 2-4 terms to develop the skills required to transition to a higher class. Gymnasts are assessed by coaching staff prior to acceptance into Intermediate and Advanced classes.  Current gymnasts are assessed towards the end of each term and gymnasts are notified prior to the start of term if they are able to move up classes. 

There are 3 types of recreational gymnastics classes - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Coaches will move gymnasts into the Intermediate and Advanced classes based on skill levels and experience.  

Beginner Girls 10+ classes run on these days & times:

Monday 5:15pm - 6:15pm
Monday 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Teen Gymnastics 13+ years 

Thursday 5:00pm-6:30pm 

There are limited numbers of children for each class and classes may sell out.